Search and find files fast and easily

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This window is basically your home. File Find has many filter options, with them you can find and filter for almost everything. For a detailed overview, have a look at the How to section below. Right-clicking the find button is going to show more options.

You can start multiple searches at once. See their status by clicking the File Find icon in the menu-bar and going to Searches: >

You can export your set filters as a .FFFilter file, load them again, share them or even set them as a default in the settings.


The search results window in File Find provides a simple list of all found files. Double clicking a path will reveal the file or folder in Finder or File Explorer. There are even more if you go to Tools in the menu bar. You can also find duplicated files. You can save this search as a .FFSearch file by going to File > Save Search. To compare the opened search to an other saved search, click the compare icon on the top right.


With this feature you can easily compare two searches, one stored and the other opened. To get there, open a search with either loading it from a .FFSearch file or by setting filter options and pressing "Find". Then in the results window either press the compare icon or go to Tools > Compare to other Search... This has many use-cases e.g. seeing which files an application installled or finding moved files.


This feature allows you to easily find duplicated files in every search. Possible criterias are: File name, File size and File content. The duplicated files are sorted in groups. In the results window either press the duplicated icon on the top right or go to Tools > Find duplicated files....

How to





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